Monday, 26 September 2011

Stop, Collaborate and LISTEN!! I'm back with some brand new AMBITION!!

Would you look at me? Type-type-typing away once more as though nothing ever happened. Not that I really stopped typing for more than a week over this summer break but I have had a rather undeserved absence from my blogging lifestyle. 'Tis a shame, really, as I do enjoy a good blog post. Typing away for minutes and minutes until I run out of topics to discuss and decide to give my cramping fingers a rest and disappear back under my duvet for a rest. Ah, c'est bon.
Anyway, getting off of that topic of nothingness and swiftly moving to an actual topic, let us begin!!
It has indeed been a while since my last blog and whilst I don't genuinely regret this too much, I would rather have an active blog than an embarassingly empty one. So here I am! Back once again! Hopefully this time for good as I re-enter my life at university. My third and final year! Scary, non? Scary, no. Let's be honest, it's not that worrysome. Is that a real word? Spell checker's off and I'm not sure...curse these university computers!! Anyway...
I'm bringing this blog back from the depths with some new energy and ambition. This academic year I'd like to keep a really good blog about my days and weeks, especially as this semester right here is when my career takes a lovely step forward and I actually make my own film! That's right, my film!!
Recipe for Time Travel, my haphazardly, last minute pitched idea for a third year project got chosen and so here it is, beginning its journey! Or at least it would be if I knew who was in my crew already. But nevermind, I shall hopefully know by the end of the week and its delightful journey to fruition shall begin!
I shall also soon be buying my own, little camera with which I shall take photographs of this amusing little time and then both upload them onto this blog and also stick them in a little book of memories I'm making. (Along with photos of my upcoming trip to Copenhagen and gosh knows what else I end up doing in the future.)
So yeah, hopefully this blog should become a regularly updates site of both amusing and biographical nature as I transgress my final year at university! And beyond!
So, here's hoping!
But for now...ta-ta!

Yours anonymously,
                     Timothy G. Elsy

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